Nominations Due for Texas Lions Hall of Fame

Texas Lions Hall of Fame Nominations 

Hello Fellow Lions,

Every three years, our district has the opportunity to name someone to the Texas Lions Hall of Fame. Elevation of Lions into the Texas Lions Hall of Fame bestows an honor upon one who has been outstanding in using their time, talents, and resources to further the cause of humanitarian services.

Following the state bylaws, I have named a committee of Lions from five different clubs to review nominations from the district for the Texas Lions Hall of Fame. If you or your club would like to nominate a fellow Lion, please see the requirements listed below and email your nomination letter to me at before 5 p.m. on Thursday, January 26, 2023. Our committee will meet Friday, January 27, to select our district's new Hall of Fame member, and the winner will be recognized at the state Lions convention in Ft. Worth this May.

Thank you for your service. #TogetherWeCan #WeServe

Lion Roger Estlack,
2-T1 District Governor

Texas Lions Hall of Fame Guidelines

  1. Minimum standards to qualify as a nominee for the Texas Lions Hall of Fame are:
    a. Be an active or deceased member with at least fifteen (15) years of service;
    b. Having provided outstanding and dedicated service as a  Lion beyond the call of duty;
    c. Having provided other than service as a Lion to community,  state, and nation;
    d. Having accomplished special achievements in, or contributions to, humanitarian service for those less fortunate; and
    e. Not having solicited in any manner for this recognition, which will automatically eliminate the soliciting candidate for that year.

Current Texas Lions Hall of Fame Members from District 2-T1
PDG D.D. “Don” Zimmerman (1973)
PDG W.L. “Preach” Edelman (1975
PID Edwin “Ed” Flood (1979)
Ed Skypala (1981)
PDG Larry Fuller (1984)
PDC Raymond White (1987)
PDG Jimmie Pigman (1990)
PIP Jimmy M. Ross (1993)
PDG James Wheeler (1996)
PDG Rick Garrett (1999)
PDG Dr. Kenneth Waugh (2002)
PDG Earl Long (2005)
PDG Jim Wilson (2008)
Wayne Smith (2011)
PDG Jack King (2014)
PDG Ray White (2017)
PDG Sid Shaw (2020)