State Level
Texas Lions Camp builds self-esteem in children who attend Texas Lions Camp at no cost. In general, campers must have a qualifying, physical-disability to attend camp. TLC currently offers families the opportunity to build memories together within the camp environment. TLC will provide each family their own, private facility that will be theirs throughout their stay. The schedule is designed to accommodate those who need a short, weekday stay or those who prefer a "weekender" away from home. TLC has many activities to offer in a fun and upbeat environment as a world-class, TLC staff creates an environment of family fun and adventure as only they can do.
The Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center (TLERC) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 foundation of the Lions of Texas, with the support of the Lions International Foundation, TLERC recycles eyeglasses for use in Texas, the United States and around the world.
The mission of the Texas Lions Eyeglass Recycling Center is fourfold:
1. TLERC provides used eyeglasses to Lions and other group missions providing vision screening and assistance in developing countries. Recycled glasses are supplied only under the guidelines of Lions International Eyeglass Recycling Center policy and procedures. We only ship domestically.
2. TLERC provides training to place recycled glasses on people in need, finishing lab technician training, pedia-vision training, basic refractive technician training and basic optician training.
3. TLERC provides the services of its finishing lab to manufacture glasses for the children of Texas and New Mexico through the various Lions Clubs.
4. TLERC coordinates missions to rural areas of Texas to provide glasses for the Texas school children.
Texas Lions Foundation (TLF) is an organization committed to filling humanitarian needs throughout the world. As a public, non-profit, tax-exempt corporation, its purpose is to promote human welfare by careful application of contributed funds.
TLF concentrates its efforts in two areas: humanitarian services and disaster relief. The Foundation strives to support projects that, while falling into one of these two categories, also have long-term and far reaching effects, and promote the objectives of the Texas Lions Foundation. Overall, the Foundation maintains a strong commitment to helping people achieve their own potential, and to implementing projects that make permanent and positive changes. Projects are favored that provide benefits to as many people as possible.
The Texas Lions Museum and Office was founded to preserve, record and maintain the history of the Lions of Texas and to have a permanent office for the Lions of Texas.
The Museum is located in the same building as the State Office in Kerrville, Texas at 3301 Legion Dr. Kerrville, TX 78029